Out of house
We love challenging our guests –
but do you dare?

Do you want to challenge Urban Ranger Camp?
Urban Ranger Camp has through the years been part of many special events – both as practitioners and as consultants. From tv programs to private companies, we love it when you challenge us.
If we can stand for security and quality, we will of course continue to face a bold challenge.
And if you’re missing a sparring partner to add an extra dimension to your courses or company event, Urban Ranger Camp’s professional instructor team is ready with knowledge, ideas and expertise to create a unique event.
We like to work at home and abroad, land, water and air. We organize learning courses of shorter and longer duration and with more or less extreme content. You decide.
We gladly provide equipment – and it is also possible to rent the B & W Hall with activities.
So if you want to rappel down the Rundetårn, go on the water or something completely different, we can take ideas to a whole new level.
Contact us on 51207703 or by email:
Worlds highest rope climb
In September 2019 we facilitated safety and training during the world record contempt of the highest rope climb. OCR athlete Leon Kofoed reached hos goal and the amazing stunt of climbing 50 meters of rope from a flying hot air balloon in 1,5 km height despite his fear of height. The world record was set in cooperation with Redbull Denmark and Go Dream.
Nordic Race – Big Swing challenge
Our friends from Nordic race challenged us to create a new obstacle for their OCR race on Refshaleøen. We did what we do best – throw people out and into the heights (literally) and create an obstacle where the participants had to swing with a rope over a dock attempting to get as far as possible before hitting the ice cold water. Our Big Swing was very popular amongst the participants and even won “Obstacle of the year 2017”.
Urban Skills
In 2018 we had the pleasure of building our mobile setup “urban skills” in cooperation with Nordic Race. During the summer a lot of swedish kids and teenagers had the opportunity to clim, rappelling and jump into our jump bag both during “Malmö festival” and “Big 5”. You can read more about urban skills HERE.

5th Gear
In channel 5’s popular tv show 5th gear we attached Cecilie Hother and Peder to the rooftop of a car to see who could stay on top for the longest time while the car was racing around. We had a ton of fun – we think the participants did as well.
Fuld plade – Superman challenge
The popular tv program “Fuld plade” on TV2 had another exciting challenge for os where we helped them to create a superman feeling for one of the participants.
The participant was fastened to harnesses, which was fastened to a massive suction cup attached to 2 vacuum cleaners, which then lifted him up so he could fly.
Our area of responsibility was to create the harness system attached to the suction cup as well as safety before and during the tv show.

Det stærkeste netværk – helicopter challenge
We have been part of creating several challenges for the tv program “Det stærkeste netværk” (the strongest network) on channel 5.
Our personal favourite however was when the participants were challenged to lift a helicopter in front of Urban Ranger Camp with the help of their network.
How many people do you think it took to lift the helicopter?
Inauguration of the FN building
In 2013 the FN building in Copenhagen was inaugurated in true mission impossible style. The boss himself had the honor of handing over the scissor to her majesty the queen, in order for her to cut the ribbon.

Topmodel Netherlands
Technically it was an “in house” job when the participants of the dutch top model program came by for a challenging photoshoot in the heights – it turned into some great pictures.